Grades Taught
Fort la Reine School has a student population of about 195 in Kindergarten through Grade 7 and Grade 8 Fall 2024. Our school is located at 36 13th Street N.W. The mission of our school is to provide all students every opportunity to be successful. Of paramount importance at Fort la Reine School is the delivery of innovative programs to accommodate the learning needs of all students. We focus not only on academics but social emotional learning for students with programs such as Rainbows, Strong Kids and Roots of Empathy. We also are on a Balanced School Day at Fort la Reine School. This offers less transitions for students throughout the day and longer breaks outside to socialize and build community. We offer a breakfast program each day to all students as well as a snack program that gives each one of our students a healthy snack on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week.